A busy Saturday in Manchester.
Passengers waiting for the tram. A moment in time held in the finished painting of the tramstop outside Manchester Central Library. Now for the tricky bit…
Deciding what to call it!
Waiting for a tram?
Tram stop?
For a long whilem “Catching a tram from the Library” was a working title but it didn’t quite work. I considered a caption competition, but time was short. I planned to submit it to the SWA exhibition in 2015 and it was deadline day!
In the end I phoned a friend and we chatted about various things and the painting. Stopping at Central Library evolved as a title and, now, I can’t imagine it being called anything else. Sometimes, you just need to bounce ideas with a friend.
The tram is a fitting subject for this post as I’m taking you on a little journey over the next month. I’m putting my regular posts on hold for a while as I’ve decided to do a 30 day blogging challenge. Normal posting will return after the 30 days are over.
I’ve a title for my blogging challenge
The 30 Painting Tour of London.
I’ll be sharing paintings of London and a full artist statement giving my reasons for each one, some will be new and some you may have seen before.
So please join me here tomorrow as we start the tour…

Look forward to your posts as you go through the 30 day blog challenge.
Nice to see another artist doing the challenge!
Thanks Kevin, we need to encourage one another! Just had a quick look at your site and I love your work!