Taxi anyone? Work in Progress…

Feeling less stressed this week.

After the nightmare of trying to paint on watercolour ground, I’m now back to paper, stuck onto a plywood board.

So far so good, no nasty surprises so far. Just nice clean lines on paper. It may look finished but I’ve a little more painting to do to make the wheel stand out.

©2014 - Cathy Read - Work in Progress - Taxis Marathon- Watercolour and Acrylic on paper on board -30 x 45 cm
©2014 – Cathy Read – Work in Progress – Taxi Marathon- Watercolour and Acrylic on paper on board -30 x 45 cm

I’m really excited about this one as already it’s looking good. It can also be very  scary at this point.

When it looks good, I don’t want to overdo it now, do I?

I’m playing with the idea of racing taxis for the painting’s title. Any suggestions?

See you on Saturday for the finished results!

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