Cathy Read - Artist - Wolfson College, Oxford - View from Rainbow Bridge Painting

Revealing the first Wolfson Painting

After a hectic week where I seem to have had no time to paint, I’ve finished!

I can now reveal the first Wolfson College Painting.

©2013 - Cathy Read - Wolfson College from Cherwell - Watercolour and Acrylic- 75 x 55 cm
©2013 – Cathy Read – Wolfson College from Cherwell – Watercolour and Acrylic- 75 x 55 cm

This view is a composite of 3 photographs. I had to take some creative license as I couldn’t get the view I wanted without tweaking. Hopefully you can’t spot the joins and I’m not going to spoil it by telling you where I had to fiddle.

I think I might have got away with it? *knowing look*

The transparent tree is intentional BTW!

The first 2 in the series are now available as prints from VA Prints and I’ll be taking this one over to be scanned tomorrow so it should be available by early next week.

Now onto Wolfson picture number 2!

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