Today’s painting of the week is from the Milton Keynes Project. Its focal point is a pair of sculptures, dressed in costume and facing each other. They are lost in conversation and obvously from some play. Maybe they are rehearsing lines or recapturing a moment of triumph? Either way, they captured my attention.
Thespian Talk, was born. Part of the Milton Keynes Project created in 2012

The sculptures can be found near Milton Keynes Theatre District basking in the sun or enduring the rain. I believe their shelter has now been removed, although I doubt they care. It will add to their weathered appearance and general character.
Actors must suffer for their art, after all. Film director Terry Gilliam once revealed his surprise and delight at their endurance and tolerance when working on his own films. In stark contrast to his Monty Python colleagues who would frequently moan at the demands he made during filming.
So what will the next Painting of the Week be? It’s a painting from 2013 and features lots of London favourites. You may be able to guess which one it is but, if you’re stumped, check back here next Wednesday and find out.
Thespian Talk is sold but other paintings from the Milton Keynes Project are still available. Just look in my shop.