Any Artist will say, that setting up an one day exhibition is fraught with issues, especially if it rains on the morning of the event and that event is outdoor! Which is exactly what happened to me when I went to set up for my Art on the Fence Exhibition. Set up was delayed over an hour due to light rain which finally stopped at 8:35am. It was then a mad rush to get all the paintings out in time for the 10:30am start. The real downside of a one day exhibition is that all set up and take down happens in a day. It’s a frantic scramble to get everything up in time. Fortunately I had a plan. This was my improvised layout board.

I’d already figured out how to hang the paintings and had all my chains and hooks cut to size. Everything was up in the studio and the paintings were ready to bring out. It was a cas of knuckle down and do it. I’d calculated how much space I’d need between them to cut down on fiddling and labels were stuck to the glass beforehand.
Set up took a little over 2 hours and I was ready in time for the first visitors. Apart from testing my card reader and realising that I’d forgotten my password. Fortunately I was able to find a workaround and reset the password later. Here’s the exhibition set up with visitors.

The weather was perfect after the light rain first thing, the sun graced us with its presence for most of the day. It was light jacket weather but comfortable if you were moving around, and no more rain.

I even had a visitor wearing one of my paintings. This is Karen from Kaia Sustainable Clothing who is wearing an outfit she designed using one of my abstract paintings on the fabric.

And some people didn’t leave their cars, which was cool. Maybe my next exhibition will be a Drive By?

.For those who couldn’t make the Art on the Fence exhibtion, here’s what you missed. There will be a longer version which I will link to once it’s edited. (It’s been a very long week! but totally worth all the effort for the reactions and comments from all the visitors and, of course, the sales were lovely too.)
The Video Walkthrough – short version
So, that was Art on the Fence. For invitations to future events and glimpses of my latest creations, please subscibe for updates.