Destination Anywhere
Sometimes I struggle with titles… And other times they just leap out at me! While I was creating this painting, a song kept playing in, my head. And the earworm was Destination Anywhere
Perfect! I thought
That’s the beauty of Art. It can take you anywhere. So where are you heading? The beginning of so many journeys, Milton Keynes railway station is distinct blocks of black glass. The painting softens these to blues, aqua blues and tendrils of black. There are straight lines forming squares and trapezoids, creating the blocks of the building. Within the four sided shapes are undulating lines that mirror the tiny imperfections in the angles of the glass. They create a Rippling form/ image of the right-hand building visible in the glass.
The Reflections could extend for miles but are abruptly brought short at the canopy over the main entrance. The dominance of blues is in stark contrast to a single triangle of ochre yellow, the underside of the awning. Lettering above identifies and location, as if there was any doubt that this is Milton Keynes central, you have arrived!
Let the journey begin…

Destination Anywhere is one of 20 paintings created for the Milton Keynes Project.