What’s that? I hear you say. 49 50 what?
Excited to reveal the first of my big plans for 2018.
Don’t you just love that sense of the new that January brings? Inspired by my Artist friend Alexandra Buckle who did a 50 print challenge last year I’ve decided to embark or my own version of a 50 painting challenge. The aim is to complete 50 paintings by 31st December 2018. It’s going to be called
49 50 – Paintings of Architectural Aspects
Or 49 50 Challenge for short. All the paintings will be 7″ x 7″ – I did think about working in cm but inches worked better as it gives me 49 square inches. Which helps with the title 49/50. I’m keeping them small so I can paint more frequently. Something I’m missing with the big pieces. They’re lovely to do but painting sessions are spaced out. I also plan on sharing them with you as they’re created and will share them on the blog after that. The focus will be Architectural details so I can use the advantages of the larger work but hone in on specifics.
Planning this I wrote a list of all the details I could do and will work systematically through the list. I’ll put all the details onto a page on the website which I’ll share with you next time.
Beginning at the beginning, time for number one with a working title of 1 Clock

And a bit later on in the painting.

And here’s the finished piece.

The clock is from Buckingham Parish church.
I plan on using local references for all the paintings. I’ve selected the image for number 2. The numbers are in the title after I learnt from the MK Project that I need to number pieces when I do a project of this nature. I will give them all more creative titles as I progress but as we’re already a good way into January, my first priority was to get started.
What will happen with the paintings?
I’m still working out the details but I think a show is the obvious first step, and I should be able to turn them into a book, in due course.