Painting of a juliet balcony above a shop in Buckingham. Juliet-Balcony ©2018 - Cathy Read - 9 of 4950 Series - Watercolour-and-Acrylic-17.8x17.8cm

#9 Juliet balcony painting but where’s Romeo?

Presenting 9 - Juliet Balcony painting

“Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?”
I’m sorry, but it had to be done. Although a pretty little balcony, this one wouldn’t really suit 2 lovers trying to meet in secret. For one it’s not secluded and two, there’s nowhere to hide.

The balcony is on Bridge Street, one of the main roads through Buckingham. There are no hedges to hide behind. Stand below so you can see anyone up top and I suspect you’d be putting your life in your hands. But see for yourself.

Curious about the 49 50 Painting Challenge.

Here it is as a work in progress.

Painting of a juliet balcony above a shop in buckingham ©2018-Cathy-Read-9-Juliet-Balcony-Watercolour-and-Acrylic-17.8x17.8cm

A little further on in the balcony painting it looks like this.

Painting in progress of a juliet balcony above a shop in buckingham ©2018-Cathy-Read-9-Juliet-Balcony-Watercolour-and-Acrylic-17.8x17.8cm

And for the finished Piece.

Painting of a juliet balcony above a shop in Buckingham. Juliet-Balcony ©2018 - Cathy Read - 9 of 4950 Series - Watercolour-and-Acrylic-17.8x17.8cm

Lots of yellow in this one, which makes a change from my usual blues. Now to start painting number 10, a street light.

Curious about the 49 50 Painting Challenge.

9 Juliet Balcony has been sold but other 4950 paintings are available.

Part of the Inspiration Art Trail 16th July-30th September 2022

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