Gherkin painting – meditating on Whispering Glass.
The first thing you’ll notice in this is a swathe of blue green swirling from the top of the Gherkin painting, which d disappears, after a few wave. Slipping down by the dark building at the bottom right. Then, what looks like smoke rising from behind the office block. The sky appears crumpled, perhaps under the weight of the blue-green smoke.
The Gherkin stands proud and, only slightly, taller than the building in front. Its coloured glass curtain-walling twists upwards. Bold stripes crowned with diamonds. The glass surface reflecting the light of the sun, whereas all around the buildings are dull. These flattened colours contrast with the vivacity of the Gherkin itself.
The painting is dominated by blues, purples and greens. Dark almost Soul-less hues, contrasting with a hint of vibrant yellow and lime green.
Everything in the Gherkin painting is both ordered and chaotic. Old dark buildings adjacent to contemporary brilliance.
Then there are the indigo trails, extending with inky claws reaching for the sky or at least that mysterious blue-green shape.

And I do believe that’s where we started…
What do you see:-
A Moody Gherkin painting or Whispering Glass?
Or maybe you see something else?