Can you name a London Street?
Chances are, if you can, you’ll say a major one like Oxford Street, The Mall or Piccadilly. We all know the main routes but what about the side streets, and there are many? London’s small streets are a maze. Keep to the main routes and it’s pretty straightforward. Nip down a side street and, if you don’t know the area, you can easily get lost. This painting continues on from yesterday’s theme of getting lost in the city.

With narrow streets this is especially stressful.
You cannot see if the route is the right one until you’ve finished it. You can get blocked by ill considered parked cars. Or miss a turn and end up at one of those former junctions which have now been pedestrianised. You can see the road you need to be on but can’t reach it without it turning into the Mall scene from The Blues Brothers with people diving out of the way everywhere. Frustrating though they may be, being led on a wild goose chase has one advantage. The unexpected tresures you stumble across on the journey!