Now a Barbican inspired painting shouldn’t be a novel experience for an artist, should it. Well I have a confession I went to the Barbican for the first time in 2013. I know, it’s shocking! So many years missed. What finally took me there was a Dibujo – a clothed life drawing class with costumes and a story. Another first
It was the idea suggested by Sue Pownall a fellow Artist I was meeting in person for the first time, although we’d communicated with each other extensively.It was also an irresistible photo opportunity.
After last week of disaster with my website, I needed a change. As far away from technology as positble. So it was a delight to have a different experience and inspiration certainly returned on the trip. returned with the Barbican trip.

My figures weren’t to my liking, but I took lots of photographs which I transformed into paintings. This one of the Barbican.

One inspired by the architecture on the way to the Arts Centre.

Update, Since I first wrote this post, I’ve done another Barbican inspired painting from that photo session, this is inside the Conservatory. You’ll be able to guess the title.

Who knows, I may add a few more, there are so many more images that I haven’t used yet.
Love what you see, then please check out my shop page to see which works available.
Lovely to meet you and glad you were inspired!