#LloydsBuildingPainting #Painting of the Lloyds Building #CheesegraterPainting #Painting of the Cheesegrater Fenchurch Street, the New Kid on the Block by Cathy S R Read

Lloyds Building Painting, experimental process.

In an effort to create larger work, I’ve been experimenting for the Lloyds building painting

The trouble with paper is that it buckles when you get it wet. One solution is to stretch it and use thicker paper, which works to a point. The point being I don’t do it very well.
Also, as your paper size increases you need to increase the thickness of the paper otherwise it looks and feels flimsy. I can get large rolls of paper but thick paper doesn’t roll well. In other words, I’ve reached the limit of paper sizes. If I need to go larger I have to do more with it.

The options I see are are: –

  1. Glue two sheets together
  2. Fix a sheet to a board
  3. Apply a surface treatment called watercolour ground which works a like watercolour paper.

I’ve been trying the latter method first

I’ve had reasonable results with canvas. However, canvas flexes and it’s easier to do architectural designs on a firm surface, such as board.

©2014 - Cathy Read - Work in progress Lloyds and cheesgrater- Watercolour and Acrylic Ink on board- 30 x 45 cm
©2014 – Cathy Read – Work in progress Lloyds and cheesgrater- Watercolour and Acrylic Ink on board- 30 x 45 cm

As you can see the results so far are quite promising visually.

I’ll have the finished results for you to see here in the next post.

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