Tour London through Contemporary Art
Hi! I’m Cathy Read, a professional contemporary artist who draws with masking fluid to create art like this.

You’ve heard of virtual tours, I’m sure. well, I’m going to give you
An Abstract Tour of the City of London!
Or rather an Abstract, virtual Tour of London.
Well, here’s how it works. You sign up for the tour and over the following 30 days I will send you a email featuring one of my paintings with a story or reflection attached. Quite simple really.
Join me on a virtual tour of London as we explore the city using 30 paintings inspired by its streets and architecture?
This is for you if you: –
- love art
- love London
- Love contemporary art
- Want to hear the stories behind paintings and not just look at the paintings
- Want to see an artists perspective on the everyday and iconic
I’ve selected 30 of my paintings inspired by London and its architecture to create this Virtual Tour.
Over 30 days I will reveal these to you in a daily email. During the tour you will see my view of the city, created in watercolour and ink. I’ll also be including stories behind the creation of the paintings.

What’s in it for me?
- You get to see some cool art, for free! You also get to see the thinking behind the pictures and how they are created.
- It’s educational, you might discover something new and exciting.
- It’s unique
How much will it cost?
I won’t lie to you, there is a price, your precious time, but I will only share content you’ll love. The tour itself is free, I just need your name and email address so I know where to send it.
What’s the catch?
Well, I say the tour is free, and it is.
It is free unless you decide to stop for souvenirs that is?
I can’t promise it will be cheap then, but I can promise that, if you do want a souvenir, you will be getting something you will treasure.
You will have a distinctive print or an original piece of art like this by an award winning artist

but I promise I won’t force you into buying anything you don’t want to. Deal?
What if I change my mind?
No problem! Unlike a real tour, you can hop off any time, It’s perfectly safe. Just hit the unsubscribe button. It’s that simple.
What happens when the tour is over?
When the tour is finished you will be given the option to be added to my newsletter list. In the unlikely event you get sent the next newsletter in error, just click unsubscribe and poof they will vanish!.
So come and take the tour, see art inspired by the great city of London. Without the need to travel anywhere
As I sit here writing this, the rain is pouring down outside.
Not the type of weather that inspires you to take a conventional tour, is it? Well, here’s the beauty of an Abstract tour, you don’t need to leave the house, or even your computer!
Just sit back and enjoy the art. And, unlike a regular tour, it won’t cost you a penny!
Care to join me?