Painting outside is challenging.
A few weeks ago I was out in the cold, wet and wind at Winslow Market demonstrating at a promotional event for Bucks Open Studios.
Here is proof, if proof is needed.

And it was indeed, cold and wet, and windy although we did get sunshine by the time we were packing up. Murphy’s Law I think. OK, so my title is a little misleading, I was not, as you can see, painting at night.
But I was painting night!
For those who came along, and want to know how it turned out, and for those who are just curious,
This was how it looked at hometime.

After some more painting at home and a good clean up, here is the result.

I’m not sure on the title yet, and I may tweak the painting a bit more, it feels unfinished. I’m at, what I like to call, the suck it and see stage. It will sit in a corner, within vision, until I decide which way to go.
I will have it on display at Bucks Open Studios either at Venue 18, my usual place where I’ll be demonstrating most of the time we’re open except 11th and 20th June
I’m also at
Venue 35 Green Dragon Eco Centre where I will also be doing a few Demos on the 8th, 10, 15th and 16th June 10am-3pm