Don’t you just love surprises?
I had a lovely one this week. The wonderful people at Empty Easel have included me as a featured artist with an article written by Cassie Rief.
As an artist you tend to speak in a visual language
As a result, reflecting your thoughts in words can be more difficult. It’s always an interesting exercise to see how others describe your work. Sometimes it can be harsh and humbling.
So it comes as a joy to see others enthuse about your work. I love the section “When you walk the same streets every day, they can become redundant. You stop observing the sights, and instead, turn your focus on each cement block in the sidewalk as you pass them by. Catching a Tram from the Library take this seemingly routine moment and makes it an adventure again!”

Attempting to convey your ideas verbally can sometimes be an uphill struggle, so to see another accurately describing the features you laboured over in a way that conveys your intention precisely is a huge bonus.
There’s an overwhelming feeling of “Yeah, she gets my work!”
Other people can hit on something, you’re aware of at a conscious or even subconscious level and define it far more effectively. That’s one reason I love working with other creative people. When you get more than one artist together there is an exponential increase in creative output. Quite simply, ideas breed more ideas.
My favourite phrase is “Sultan of Splash” I will be using that one excessively, with credit of course, thank you Cassie!