Towering Shard
As we begin 2017, I wanted to share some of the photographs I’ve taken that haven’t made it into paintings, yet. They may do at some point, who knows, you’ll have to wait and see.
So I’m introducing a “Photo of the month”.
The Shard towers over London and seems an appropriate image to begin the year.
The sense of looking upwards, maybe into the future? We are at the beginning of a year, after all. A year full of promise and the unknown. The building was still under construction at the time. I took this on one of my first photo tours of London, gathering reference images for my paintings. As you can see, there were no clouds. Seems to be a theme whenever I intentionally go on a photo-shoot. I’ve probably jinxed myself by saying that, we’ll see.

This is one of the first pictures I took,
I was trying to get the height of the building into one picture, and I took a lot of photos. I eventually decided on an even closer image which resulted in the painting “The Birth of the Shard”
As you can see in the link, I took some liberties with the sky.
Don’t think anybody noticed though? Do you?
Want to see more paintings? Why not sign up for a Tour of London in 30 Paintings?
Cool. Have you seen the plans for a new building near the Shard with a grid structure?
Thanks Honey, so glad you like it. No, I haven’t seen the new plans. I’m intrigued. Do you know what it’s called? I can see procrastination beckons!