Today’s video is a Houses of Parliament Painting creation. Rainbow Palace was created a while ago so I’m reliving it’s creation as I post it. This is a different use of video for me, I hope you enjoy it!
After creating a painting I spend time with it and write my thoughts in the form of a meditation. This is part of the Rainbow Palace’s. I’ll share the rest soon.
Colour draws your attention when you look at this painting. The rainbow toned fluid sky dances behind the clock tower of the Palace of Westminster. “Big Ben” looms tall, leaning away from us, as are the other buildings. They seem ready to topple backwards into the Thames, hidden behind the architecture but all too close. Painting for photographs had a unique set of problems. One of which I how to respond to the extreme distortions which occur as up or down to any significant degree.
Photos are my inspiration
I’ve heard disparaging talk about this from artists who only paint from life. How panting from photographs gives a false , distorted impression. I don’t let it bother me any more. I love the distortions caused by photography. It’s what our eyes really see, before the brain has chance to “correct” our perspective. The trouble with painting from real life, it that our brains are really good at tricking us into thinking that we should see things in a certain perspective.
I’m reminded of rainbows when I look at this painting. Whether it’s Biblical rainbows of God’s promise following the great flood or its adoption by the Gay Pride Movement or just because they are pretty and fascinating, a naturally occurring cosmic effect. I honestly can’t say. Rainbows are just cool and nobody will persuade me otherwise.
Here’s the finished Parliament Painting creation Rainbow Palace in all its psycadelic glory.