Inspiration for London Art is easy to find.
Just go on a trip and walk around the city and you’ll find inspiration.
Like when I went to Kings Cross Station. I’ve been meaning to create some Kings Cross London Art for a while. I’d never been there until April of this year when I went to the unveiling of the Sir Nigel Gresley Sculpture by Hazel Reeves. The subject of some controversey when the original design was altered to exclude the Duck – a mallard and a hint at his famous design of the Mallard Steam Train. BTW I’m on the Pro Duck side of the Camp and am pleased by the steady trickle of Ducks being left by the Statue. Only in Britain!
Obviously I had a good look at the roof.
I didn’t find it quite as intriguing as the British Museum’s but still a fascinating construction and worthy subject matter for a painting.
I finally got started in late November and here is where we begin.

The Graphite image all ready to be masked up. Once the image is masked, the painting begins.

And then we get a close up of the ink reacting with the water and salt.

And finally…
The Big Reveal…

©2016 – Cathy Read – Kings Cross detail work in progress – Graphie – 40 x 50 cm
King’s Cross is now sold but you can see other London Station paintings in my London Portfolio.
Curious to see more London Paintings?