Painting Piccadilly Circus took a while.
Complicated paintings aren’t the work of a few moments.They take many hours, over a period of days.The beauty of Time lapse photography is its ability to capture this process. Belying the time taken from white page to finished art. Like this painting of Piccadilly Circus.

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The way the liquid ink sits on top of the paper and catches the light, before sinking into the paper. The sudden movement of paint as it first touches the wet paper. All these moments are over and done in an instant. It literally is a case of blink and you miss it.

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As you will see at the beginning of the video below. Some stage might hang around a bit longer, until they are built upon in subsequent layers. But these too are lost. Which is why I love Time Lapse photography. You can go back and relive moments over again, even though that part of the painting is now lost forever.

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