Dalton Connection
This gateway is part of a small complex of passages which together form an artwork dedicated to the memory of Manchester scientist John Dalton.
Dalton’s Entry and Mulberry Passage and the now closed Boardman’s Entry, form the complex . Rather than try explain it myself and risk misinforming you, I’ll quote from an Article on the installation by atlasobscura.com
“Five Parts Alley refers to the five principles of Dalton’s atomic theory:
1) Matter is made up of atoms, small and indivisible particles;
2) All atoms of the same element are identical and have the same mass;
3) Atoms of different elements vary in size, mass, and chemical behavior;
4) Chemical compounds are made up of at least 2 atoms of different elements. The resulting particle is called a molecule; and
5) In a chemical reaction, atoms are rearranged, separated, or recombined to form new compounds but no atom is created or destroyed.”
The power of curiousity.
Discovering things like this make me appreciate the power and importance of knowledge. I knew the concepts but not the context. I went to an all girls school where the sciences were virtually ignored. Hence my reluctance to paraphrase.
We did biology, thankfully but that was all. Fortunately I had parents who encouraged self study and were fans of Tomorrows World which helped fill in the gaps and has fostered a lifelong interest and curiousity.
I will never understand the thinking that science is not suitable for girls. What a waste of natural talent. I often wonder whether I’d have pursued a different path if I’d been taught physics and chemistry at school. I don’t think I’d have gone into the sciences but other more technical art forms would have been easier to understand with the basic knowledge you get in school.
Curiousity and creativity go hand in hand. Curiousity is a wonderful thing and can lead you down many rabbit holes, much like these passageways. As an artist, I find the most interesting and wonderful stories at the end. Or maybe I create them? The thing is, creativity comes from combining ideas in novel ways. The more I learn, the more I see the overlap of knowledge from the different disciplines.
Why Mulberry Passage?
I took the photograph because the gateway interested me. At the time, I didn’t know about the connection to Dalton, but I saw an eye motif that was appealing and intriguing. I wanted to know more.
Five Parts Alley also references Dalton’s interest in weather and the discovery of a genetic cause for colour blindness. The latter being of personal interest as we have a positive family history of the condition. It might be why I have such an interest in colour as it’s hard for me to imagine not being able to see it.
I remember discussing raspberry picking with my dad once. He told a story of being baffled why he could never pick as many raspberries as the other children. When choosing colours, he always preferred yellow or gold, because he felt safe choosing those colours. Talking of colour, back to the painting.
It feels Art Deco, and I’m drawn to that aesthetic. The turquoise blue rails contrast beautifully with the brickwork. I may have exaggerated the colours. The vibrant orange is overwhelming, but the addition of blue green helps temper this effect.
Other shapes also intrigue, the “Eye of Sauron” effect on the top, circular motif in the center of the arch. This feels cellular, like parts of an atom being defined in simple terms. At first, I thought it my fancy, but having discovered the atom connection, it makes perfect sense now. One of the passages has stylized umbrellas overhead, so the shapes could also be inspired by those. You see the power of creativity and connecting dots, or expanding them?
It works both ways and keeps expanding!

I’m now on the lookout for more hidden gems like this. Any suggestions?