London’s burning or is it an Alien Invasion?
The thought crossed my mind when I got to this stage of the painting.

As you can see, from the detail, it looks a bit like Doctor Who’s Sonic Screwdriver. Well, it does in my mind. I’ve also recently read H. G. Wells “War of the Worlds” so the whole Alien Invasion concept was already playing through my mind.
I’d gone up to London to collect some work and planned to get some new images. Spotting the post Office Tower as I came into Euston Station, I decided to head in that direction. I was positioning myself to take a shot and the Fire Engine could be heard nearby. I waited and was rewarded with this shot as they turned down the street where I was waiting.

This was after I’d started removing the masking fluid.

And the finished painting…

I decided on Blues and Twos as a title,
even though it’s no longer an accurate description with the sirens they use now. But I think the phrase is still in use. I’ll have to ask a fireman!
Anyway “Blues and Twos” sounds right. Although I was considering “The aliens are coming!” as an alternative title. I might just tag it on the end…