Painting of the London Eye©2011- Cathy Read-Millenium Vision-38x28cm- Mixed Media

Painting of the London Eye, a Millennium Dream

Dreams are how things happen!

The thought behind this painting of the London Eye was a curiousity about why it was there. Every construction starts with a vision. Be it big or small, an initial idea is needed to direct what becomes reality. To celebrate the year 2000 many monuments were planned and erected.

Any painting of the London Eye is about dreams.

I’m drawn to circles. The London Eye featured in Millennium Dreams is my favourite.  Circles are simple but strong. They are the heart of all engineering projects,  allowing movement. The London Eye’s construction is a seemingly impossible structure more air than substance. Identical components in a repetitive pattern, without ending or beginning, relentless like the passage of time. Laws of physics make it possible but the complexity required to create such a structure amazes me.

The wheel itself has been around for millennia, so what better way to mark the turning of one than by constructing a wheel? A symbol of turning as the passage of time is marked on the clock.

Creating this painting of the London Eye, the focus was an abstract element that kept a hint of the full circle. Looking up, seems the right direction for dreams. A segment of time viewed clockwise, suggesting an unknown future. An arc that will continue beyond the page but only exists in the imagination.

Painting of the London Eye©2011- Cathy Read-Millenium Vision-38x28cm- Mixed Media
©2011- Cathy Read-Millenium Vision-38x28cm- Mixed Media

In other words a Millennium Dream

2 thoughts on “Painting of the London Eye, a Millennium Dream”

    1. Thank you Claire. Interesting about the colours. I did this 4 years ago, so maybe I’m not behind the times after all but ahead of trend! Or maybe I should keep that quiet? What do you think?

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