Where do I start? Silver Tips is a frosty painting and piece about contrasts. The hard edges of the railings against soft, indistinct foliage behind. The lines formed by the cobwebs are irregular and damaged. Not the typical image of structure and order, we think of when imagining a cobweb. The dominant feature is railings topped with fleur-de-lis. The trailing cobweb leading to the first finial and a draped pair of web strands to the second, remind me of a mountain climber, or maybe a cable car or ski lift.
There’s a strong contrast between the lightness of the railing tips set against the rails and background foliage. The colours are muted almost black and white, frosty painting with a hint of ochre and maybe light green. The only colour interrupting this monochromatic world. Lifeless railings against the living foliage.

Number 2 Silver Tips is part of Cathy Read’s 4950 series. Many of the paintings have now been sold but some are still available. Click the link to see which ones.