©2016-Cathy-Read- Tbree Generations standing at the corner -Watercolour-and-Acrylic-40-x-50-cm

Contemporary Architecture – Three Generations painting

Ever look at Contemporary Architecture and wonder…?

How it came about? Who had the idea? Why did they put that there?

Obviously, these questions have simple answers. Contemporary Architecture is where it is because someone had a need for a building(s). This was the space they had and they got the money. But sometimes I look at buildings and my mind races. Maybe there is a bigger picture? I took this photograph as one of many attempts to include all three of these buildings in one image. I thought no more until I rediscovered it and the cogs started whirring.

I’ve been planning to do this painting for a while.

The Tricky part was getting all the buildings into the same photo, without editing, whilst creating a balanced composition. The title also proved elusive for a while, but I got there. As I was painting I noticed they reminded me of a group of people chatting on a street corner. They all stand taller than the surrounding buildings. The youthfull Cheesegrater (er sorry I mean the Leadenhall Building), but a few years old. The mature Gherkin AKA 30 St Mary Axe, and the elder statesman of the Lloyds Building.

Here’s the graphite image ready to be masked.

©2016-Cathy-Read- Tbree Generations standing at the corner -Pencil 40-x-50-cm
©2016-Cathy-Read- Tbree Generations standing at the corner -Pencil 40-x-50-cm

And much later on we have some paint.

©2016-Cathy-Read- Tbree Generations standing at the corner -Watercolour-and-Acrylic-40-x-50-cm
©2016-Cathy-Read- Tbree Generations standing at the corner -Watercolour-and-Acrylic-40-x-50-cm

I started painting it it during at West Bletchley Art Group, this is after the painting was finished and I left it to dry.

©2016-Cathy-Read- Tbree Generations standing at the corner -Watercolour-and-Acrylic-40-x-50-cm
©2016-Cathy-Read- Tbree Generations standing at the corner -Watercolour-and-Acrylic-40-x-50-cm

Finally the masking removed.

©2016-Cathy-Read- Tbree Generations standing at the corner -Watercolour-and-Acrylic-40-x-50-cm
©2016-Cathy-Read- Tbree Generations standing at the corner -Watercolour-and-Acrylic-40-x-50-cm

There are still a few pieces to remove so it’s a quick photo with my phone,

If you’re enjoying my newsletters and love the London Paintings, you might be interested in a series I’ve created called Touring London in 30 Paintings. It’s a series of emails.

I’ve selected 30 of my paintings inspired by London and its architecture to create this Virtual Tour.

Over 30 days I will reveal these to you in a daily email. During the tour you will see my view of the city, created in watercolour and ink. I’ll also be including stories behind the creation of the paintings.
If you’d like to see them just sign up here.

Start the tour purple


4 thoughts on “Contemporary Architecture – Three Generations painting”

  1. Love the painting and also your idea of offering a tour of London via email courtesy of your paintings. I hope you make some sales along the way.

    1. Thank you Gillian and for stopping by and taking the trouble to comment. Sales are always appreciated, especially as they enable me to create more art! Cathy

  2. Julia Bernard-Thompson

    Wow! really impressed. Makes me look at this collection of buildings in a whole new light.

    1. Thank you Julia. Glad to hear it works, i.e. the seeing building from a new perspective. Thanks for stopping by!

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