Bus Queues are awful.
They’re a necessary evil if you have no car.
With the growth in car ownership, buses are becoming less frequent, well they are in rural areas, but in cities they still have an essential place. They are a cheap way of getting around, especially if you hate to drive in heavy traffic.
The downside of bus travel has always been the Bus Queue.
Waiting in all weathers can be wearing, especially when there is no shelter or the queue is long and the buses packed.
So seeing a line of buses makes me smile…
Even buses have to queue sometime.
So when I saw nose to tail buses on a London Street, I had to snap the bus queue.
Here is the original photograph, I decided to lose the last bus to make the painting work how I wanted.

This is how it looked once the drawing was complete.

Detail after the painting was completed

And a rare shot of me in action. I love removing the masking fluid and seeing a total transformation. I never know what I’ll get!

And finally the finished painting!

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