Painting Boris Bikes was a must for me. They may be clunky, but they’re still bikes. I have a fascination with bikes developed in childhood. Bikes gave me my first real taste of independent travel.
The London bike scheme is a marvelous system and you see the racks of bikes with corporate colour schemes, first blue and now red everywhere. A common place site on the city streets. Introduced while Boris Johnson was mayor of London, the name Boris Bikes was applied and stuck.
The circles and lines dominate the Boris Bikes painting. Those regimental spokes spanning from a central hub on the bikes wheels. Adjacent to the spinning spiraling circles on the pavement. Warm pastel colours against the cool blues of the paving slabs
Each bike has a simple impression of an iconic London building; Battersea Power Station and the Millennium Bridge; Big Ben and the Dome; the Gherkin and … what is that? You can’t quite see what it is can you?
The saddles looks surprisingly comfortable. I wonder if they really are? I’ll have to test drive one someday and see.

The Boris Bikes painting is one of my London paintings. You can see more in my London portfolio.