Meditations on Paintings

Painting of the Lion at Trfalgar Square

The Lion’s perspective, a Trafalgar Square Painting

The lions stand guard around Nelson’s Column in this Trafalgar Square painting. They would still be impressive sculptures without this association. Lying, sphinx like, atop a raised plinths. You have to look up at them, they command respect. At this angle, the lion seemingly stands guard over the National Portrait Gallery which appears like a

The Lion’s perspective, a Trafalgar Square Painting Read More »

Painting of people walking along the Embankment in London after the rain and with the sun shining overhead. After the rain- ©2020 - Cathy Read - Watercolour and Acrylic - 50 x 40 cm

Dramatic painting captures Sunlight reflecting on Puddles

After the Rain catching the sunlight reflecting on puddles. The sun shines brilliantly in the sky, as it emerges from behind a heavy purple cloud. Sunlight reflects on the wet surfaces left by the recent heavy rainfall. White sparkles on the road. Large puddles reflect on the pavement, where the paving stones break up the

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