Cathy Read - Artist - Keble College, Oxford - The Spaceship Painting

Keble College, Oxford Painting the Spaceship

Oxford Paintings don’t tend to include Spaceships. Although by spaceship I actually mean student union Bar! Confused? I was at first. I’d heard reference to Keble’s Spaceship but couldn’t quite picture how it would look. Until I saw it. And then? Well, it’s kinda obvious isn’t it? The painting was created as part of a […]

Keble College, Oxford Painting the Spaceship Read More »

You’ll never progress unless you keep painting…or will you?

Artists need to create art! It’s a no brainer really, but sometimes, in order to move forward, the creation part of art takes a back seat. With everything that’s been happening this past fortnight I’ve had little time (or space) to create new work… I find my life goes like that. I have periods where

You’ll never progress unless you keep painting…or will you? Read More »

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