When you talk about art, and fences, you’d be forgiven for thinking something illegal was going on, but not so with Art on the Fence. It’s an open air art exhibition on a fence.
Currently, social distancing is a concern for all and exhibition spaces can bring people closer than they’d like. By taking the art outside, you can see the work and enjoy the fresh air and keep socially distanced, all at the same time.
In these dark confusing times. We’re all looking for something to bring hope. We’re inclined to be wary and cautious, concerned about the future. But we also need to laugh, have fun, enjoy life and find beauty. Social media is great, to a point. But sometimes you want to experience something in the real world.
Art, real art,- is just such a thing. Real art on a real fence. Nothing fancy no gimmicks just paintings and space, space to think space to move and keep socially distanced.
So, come and have a look, talk about art and enjoy the great outdoors.