The Grand Bridge is reflected in the gently rippling water below. A picture of serenity and deep, dark recesses. The central arch is darkest, and I find my eyes repeatedly drawn back to the spot. It may be dark, but there are colours, deep, almost black, but not quite. With close inspection, we find blues, greens and browns. The river below flows slowly, a breeze rippling the waters, but still the reflections of the bridge and surrounding are visible.
Contrasting brilliant sunlit stone against the shadowy depths beneath. The bridge boasts rainbow hues, some subtle background colours besides loud vibrant pigments that shout to announce their presence.
At this size, the details of the bridge are suggested, yet its pedigree is in no doubt, or rather the pedigree of the landowner. For this building was created to impress and inspire awe. Any bridge could have served to cross the waters, but this one is more than that. It is a dream, a fantasy made real.
I wonder what thoughts and ideas went through the minds of those who created it?
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