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London Coliseum – Original Painting


London Coliseum – An original painting by Cathy Read. Created in England in 2018. The painting is 61cm high by 61cm wide. The painting includes a certificate of authenticity.

Framing: The painting is framed in a simple white frame. The painting is 61cm high x 61cm wide,

Care: Display under glass. Keep painting away from moisture, heat and bright lights or direct sunlight

All copyrights are retained by the artist, and the artwork cannot be reproduced without consent from Cathy Read.

Availability: In stock

 London Coliseum – Original Painting

About the picture:

A pink tower looming over St Martin’s Lane, the London Coliseum makes it’s mark, with it’s cagework globe adorning its tip. Behind, a deep blue sky is fights the ever growing clouds. We can’t see anything below the first floor, but signs of London life prevail. Flags promoting the theatre adorn its front.  In the foreground is a pub sign for the Chandos, suitably ornate for a public house in the centre of the metropolis.

Creation: The original picture was initially drawn with pencil onto watercolour paper on board. These lines were then drawn over using masking fluid and then painted using watercolour paint and acrylic ink. Salt was also used in the process and some of the ink blown around using a straw. Once the painting was dry the masking fluid was removed to reveal the finished painting.



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