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24 Shop Sign – Original Painting


Shop Sign is the twenty-forth of the 4950 Paintings. The Shop Sign is outside In Stitches on Well Street, Buckingham. The painting is signed and framed in white painted wood, with a double mount off white on top of black mount. Includes a certificate of authenticity.

About the Picture
Shop sign is the twenty forth of the 49/50 Painting Challenge. A Series created in 2018 as part of a challenge to create 50 paintings of architectural details on buildings in Buckingham and surrounding villages. No building was used twice and no feature repeated unless there was a distinguishing characteristic of the feature.

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24 Shop Sign

Clothing repairs and alterations declares the sign in patchy gold lettering on inky blue, once black background. The letters neat and clear.

In the left hand corner is a knot of curled ironwork and blown ink tendrils which gradually untangle into the straight support for the sign and end with a slight flourish. Attractive but not overly decadent.

The painting has some slight layering but most of what you see is the initial wash and the crinkled texture left by the cling film. The layering that is present consists of blooms of bright orange, tendrils of black deep red in-fills and an energetic wiggle of black down the left hand side.

Little else in the image is distinct, once you get past the sign and its bracket. A roof line and some window recesses are about all that is clear.

The sign is what it says it is. A means of communicating what the business of the shop is. And the sign is for “In Stitches” a shop on Well Street in Buckingham.

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